the sun
protect skin from the sun

How To Protect Skin From The Sun [Natural Ways]

As we all know, you burn too much time under the sun and even burn with skin cancer. However, it is very nice to lie on the beach and enjoy a warm, sunny day. We all know that the child's skin needs sunscreen because it is very sensitive to harmful UV rays. The skin of the adult does not differ. Depending on the skin type, it can be more or less sensitive to UV rays and still be protected.

The red and itchy skin reminds you that you have spent too much time in the sun and have forgotten to apply sunscreen. The redness of the skin depends on your skin type and how long you have been in the sun without protection.

If you frequently burn with the sun and rarely use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 (sun protection factor), it can damage your skin, resulting in premature aging and even worse skin cancer.

There are countless lotions for the protection of the skin, according to the lotions and sunscreens available in shops and pharmacies, which are effective, but which may be advantageous for their chemical content. You can make your own sunscreen from products that you can find at home. That way, you know what's in your sunscreen and you can be sure it stays healthy and beautiful.

Here are some ways to protect yourself from harmful UV rays:

Natural yogurt: 

Apply to burnt skin and leave for 10 minutes. Yogurt relieves the heat of the skin and makes you feel better. After you have washed with cold water.

                           [Read: How To Create Smokey Eyes]

Aloe vera

This plant is known to relieve the heat and pain of many skin conditions. It has been used for centuries by many people around the world. Just buy a plant and grow it as a decoration in your home. If necessary, cut out some leaves and squeeze out the juices. Apply the juice to the spot where it is damaged and let it penetrate the skin to make it feel better. If you do not want to buy the plant, just buy aloe vera gel in the store.

Lavender oil: 

It is an excellent remedy for pain relief. Simply apply directly to the sunburnt spot and feel relief almost immediately.
Teabags: If you experience sunburn on the face and especially on the eyelids, it is best to use tea bags. Take two used and cold tea bags and place them on the eyelids to relieve pain and swelling.

Apple Cider Vinegar: 

Another very effective and 100% natural treatment that can be used to combat sunburn. Apply directly to the place burnt by the sun and feel the relief. Use undiluted apple cider vinegar for a better and faster effect.
Other beauty tips.

Different Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin

No matter how aware we are of the fact aging is a natural and inevitable process, most of us are always trying to find new ways to fight it or at least postpone it for a little while.

Some of us will rush under the cosmetic surgeon’s scalpel while others will try natural ways to rejuvenate skin and make it as glowy as it was a few years back.
Just remember, anti-aging starts with simple things like a sensible diet, good skin care regimen, avoiding stress (as much as possible), exercising and being physically active and fit…

For all of you beauties who fall into the latter category, we will be singling out a few ways that will help with the rejuvenation process.

Boost your thyroid gland

Due to iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland function slows down with age; iodine has a vital role in basic metabolism processes since it is a key player in muscle and nerve function, and blood cell production. It helps your skin, hair, teeth, and nails grow strong and healthy.

Nutritionists advise boosting your thyroid function “by supplementing your diet with iodine-rich Kelp, a seaweed that stimulates thyroid function”. Another way is by consuming dulse seaweed, which is another protein-rich, chewy seaweed that’s a natural source of iodine.

Stop the Fast Food train

Sure, it’s quick, it makes you full and you don’t have to spend hours preparing food. However, there is virtually nothing as damaging for the skin as fast food and junk food. Remember – anything that comes in a bag or a takeout box is your enemy! Try to introduce more veggies and fruits into your diet, drink about 2l of water per day (maybe even more) and if you don’t have time to cook – order from places you know have organic produce. That way you’ll help your skin at least a bit.

Fall in love with Yoga

Yoga is well known for its anti-aging benefits and the peace and calm of mind. If you are working a lot it means you are exposed to immense levels of stress which will end up being visible on your face.  Amongst all the wonderful yoga asanas, embracing yoga posture will greatly boost and benefit the thyroid.

Further, yoga will help you decompress and get detached from the everyday craze you are faced with, and will, therefore, help your skin live a little. When your mind starts realizing it’s finally getting the peace it needs, your skin will join the chill ride – be sure of it. There is a reason why celebrities all over the world swear by Yoga, really!

Get laser treatments

If your skin is already too damaged with scars, acne or blemishes that aren’t solvable by any of the natural, home-made masks, embracing laser treatment is probably the best choice for you. Recent research has shown that the laser clinic in Bondi Junction is one of the most preferred by those undergoing laser treatments, so you may want to try it out.

Beauty Sleep

Sleep is an essential element of any anti-aging regimen and to your overall health. However, these days getting a good round of 8 hours is almost impossible. Still, it’s up to you to find the time to relax and sleep properly, no matter the goos.  A good night’s sleep makes you look radiant and youthful and it helps eliminate the lines that lack of rest etches in the face. If possible, ‘unwind’ for at least an hour before going to sleep by either watching a movie you like or meditating/praying, to free your mind from the stresses of the day.

Follow these steps and we guarantee you’ll be looking younger in no time!

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